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No matter your level of fitness, Avenue Tennis group classes offer something for everyone. With over 20 classes you can make the most of getting fit.
A full-body workout utilising barbells and kettlebells with a key focus on the technique of advanced exercises. Working with heavier weights and lower reps to develop full-body muscular strength to build a lean, athletic figure.
A cardio class inspired by martial arts where you can punch, kick, and strike your way through a full body workout to motivating music. Expect to burn heaps of calories and feel great whilst you’re doing it. Open to all abilities.
A form of exercise based on boxing training and using boxing equipment such as gloves, pads and bag. A fantastic cardiovascular workout which is also great for stress relief.
Focus on increasing your cardiovascular threshold and muscular endurance using a variation of HIIT including max interval training where rest periods are kept to a minimum. Taking a full body approach, we work through every major muscle group to tone, define and strengthen. Prepared to get drenched with sweat.
Hatha Yoga is a deep stretching and strength-based yoga practice. It combines the deep stretching energies in classical Yin Yoga and deep strengthening energies in Yang yoga to produce a balanced body, breath and mind. It is suitable for all abilities.
Based around conditioning legs, bums & tums and avoiding extreme postures while targeting prime moving muscle groups.
A high energy fitness class with moves that cater from total beginners to total fitness addicts. It combines athletic movements like running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push ups and squats. The ideal full body workout.
Body Balance is for everyone, it’s a new generation yoga class that will improve your mind, body and life. It encompasses a series of yoga moves, elements of Tai Chi and Pilates.
High repetition weight training and aerobic conditioning. It will tone your body, help you lose weight and will change your body shape. This is a mixed ability class.
This is the perfect class for anyone who’s short on time but is still looking to get lean and toned. The definitive barbell class were using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition will give you the ultimate total body workout.
The foundation of MELT is a restorative method of self-care that simulates hands-on therapeutic treatments directed at improving joint mobility and stability. The techniques in the ‘4Rs’ reconnect, rebalance, rehydrate and release are the step-by-step protocol for MELT restore.
This exercise system focuses on stretching and strengthening the whole body to improve balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and posture.
Suitable for all abilities, restorative yoga is a mindful, measured & healing form of yoga where there is a focus on the mind & breath. Linking to restorative stretching and strengthening sequences gently, producing a greater feeling of wellbeing and balance in the body, breath and mind.
A fun social exercise class focusing on mobility, flexibility, strength, stamina and energy levels. A wonderful way to stay in shape and enjoy an all-over body workout.
Your introduction to a great ‘all level’ cardio workout, with an inspirational playlist. A variety of ‘on bike’ challenges such as: Intervals, Sprints and Climbs. Expect your class instructor to be on and off their bike assisting your every need. It’s now time to experience the ride!
TEAMBEATS™ introduces heart rate monitoring technology that measures how hard you are training during a high-intensity group session.
You will be provided with a heart rate monitor to wear during the session, showing you your heart rate beats per minute, calories burnt, and peak performance times displayed on screen throughout the class. TEAMBEATS utilises the Omnia 8 functional rig, cardio and strength equipment. This class will be exclusive to our Strength and Conditioning Studio for up to 10 participants.
Yoga is a physical and spiritual discipline which aims to bring the mind and body into balance, while harmony in the body. It is suitable for all levels of anyone who wants to experience the highest levels of challenge and contentment that yoga has to offer.
Yin creates space between the cartilage, the deeper connective tissues and allows the body to repair. At the same time, it’s very meditative and really helps to improve sleep quality.
Take some time for yourself and practice yoga in a friendly and inclusive atmosphere. Yoga should be for everyone, and the Yoga for Beginners classes are designed to help you make progress in a gradual, safe, and effective way. You don’t have to be flexible, or athletic to join in; yoga is for everybody.
Perfect for everybody and is designed to bring people together. It’s fused with Latin and World rhythms, mixed with low and high-intensity dance moves and a super fun way to burn calories.
Our main studio holds classes such as Body Pump, Bars & Bells and Drench. With functional equipment such as bars and kettlebells alongside full length mirrors, it’s perfect for form correction and development.
A tranquil and inspiring space, our Flow Studio mixes low lighting with foliage and calming music to create a feeling of calm. Yoga, Body Balance, MELT and Pilates classes are held in this stunning studio.
The Strength and Conditioning studio has both cardio and strength equipment to aid a complete and full body workout. Our Technogym TEAMBEATS classes are held in this studio, alongside individual and group S&C sessions.
Our group cycle studio has fifteen Technogym spin bikes alongside a sound system and disco lights, for a fun and exhilarating workout. The interactive screen allows you to see your individual RPMs as well as your peers.
We have partnered with the world’s leading supplier of premium gym equipment, Technogym to offer you a range of cardio, resistance and functional equipment to meet all your fitness goals.