Start your day with breakfast - you are literally breaking a fast and kick-starting your metabolism into action and keeping your blood sugar levels on an even keel. Try having some porridge oats, sweetened with chopped fruit and a few prunes or raisins or low sugar high fibre cereal. Eggs or wholemeal brown bread is another good option. 

If you find you cannot face breakfast or just don’t have the time try a banana, yoghurt, packet of raisins or even some pumpkin seeds. Fibre helps to release energy slowly so if you have porridge or a bowl of cereal add extra fibre or oat bran or even eat a piece of fruit before your cereal.

Eat complex carbohydrates as these are broken down into simple sugars try high in fibre, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, lentils, millet and vegetables which are a good form of sugar. The body can then release these slowly into the bloodstream giving you sustained energy levels.

Have a little protein with each of your meals. Good proteins are fish, skinless turkey or chicken, unrefined nuts, pumpkin or sunflower seeds and low-fat yoghurts. Reduce saturated fat found in meats and dairy foods. Include better quality oils, such as olive oil unrefined flaxseed, fish oil, walnut or sunflower oil. However, only use olive oil for cooking.

To keep your energy levels up constantly, eat little and often. Aim for around 4-6 small meals a day. Do not allow yourself to become really hungry. Try tasty snacks oatcakes with almond, hazelnut, cashew or peanut butter. Rice cakes with goats’ cheese or a little-sliced avocado.

Eat your five a day recommended fruit and vegetables and drink at least 6-8 glasses of water throughout the day. 

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