Discipline over motivation!

We’ve all woken up and decided that today is the day to start our brand new fitness journey! This feeling is great and is defined as motivation. Motivation is a feeling or desire to do something, to change something in your life. This is very often the beginning of most individuals fitness journey. However, life gets in the way. Perhaps you have got caught at work or simply you are just having a bad day, and can’t think of anything worse than going to the gym.

This is where discipline comes into play! Discipline is explained as having a focused and controlled mindset and routine, in order to reach a specific goal. This goal could range from a fitness plan to a work project, to even just drinking more water! Having clear cut goals and a focused mindset can be crucial when it comes to training for specific results. Following a well-structured programme when training will make all the difference in your progression, allowing you to track your progress and identify any potential weaknesses.

Below are three steps to build fitness discipline:

  1. Work out your ‘why’

Think back to when you had the first urge of motivation and remember why you felt that way. Perhaps you’d like to lose some weight before Christmas or tone up for an upcoming holiday. Mastering your ‘why’ will help you to stay on track on those days when you really aren’t feeling it.

  1. Plan for your excuses and weaknesses

We all have different things we don’t like doing, so if you know that going to the gym after a long day at work isn’t achievable, try and think of an alternative. Maybe you are better suited to a morning workout! Alternatively, if eating well when you are feeling low is difficult, perhaps meal preparation is the right way forward for you.

  1. Be realistic

When we strive for goals that are unrealistic, it often can lead to disappointment. Set goals that you feel are relevant and attainable for you!

Here at Avenue Tennis, we offer our members the ‘Wellness Journey’, a step by step continuous and reliable journey that enables you to reach your goals and stay on track. As part of the journey, you will have regular 6 week check ins with your Personal Trainer. During these, your in-depth statistics and body composition will be measured using our Tanita machine, in order to measure your progress. Your Personal Trainer will offer support and create a tailored programme specifically for your targets. If you feel you still need some extra support, why not consider Personal Training sessions?

When it comes to training or any other aspect of life, discipline is always the key to success! So next time you are feeling unmotivated, remember ‘discipline over motivation’!

If you would like to book in for a Wellness Review, please contact reception on 01634 386188 or email info@avenuetennis.co.uk

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