The Kettlebell Swing

If you're looking for a single exercise to help you regain your posture from sitting hunched over at a desk to an upright, extended position then you, probably want to look for an exercise that’s going to work your posterior chain. There is an exercise that can overcome all these issues that sitting can cause that also has the added benefit of strengthening your heart and lungs through the cardiovascular element alongside helping you lose's called the Kettlebell Swing.

Here are a few reasons why most people might want to include the kettlebell swing into their routine.

It has a reversed effect on your lower back if you have issues with your L4 and L3 compared to deadlifts and good mornings as these exercises may aggravate your condition while swings may not. So for those looking to strengthen the lower back and are unable to do the more traditional exercises, the swing may just be your answer.

Because of the dynamic nature of the swing, the chances of overload and injury are relatively small, and a well-performed swing should be ballistic in nature. A swing should be punched forward by the hips, not pushed slowly into place.

The kettlebell swing is as ballistic in movement as a standing jump therefore because of this, lower loads are necessary, the lower back simply cannot be overloaded the way it can when doing deadlifts or cleans.

Between lower loads and the reversal of adverse effects on the spine those two facts alone is why many people with lower back problems rave about kettlebell swings and use it as part of rehabilitation.

Tip: The more you engage your abdominals, the more protected your spine is.


  1. Hold the handles of the kettlebell with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. 
  2. In a standing position engage your glutes but keep your spine neutral.
  3. Start the swing by lowering the kettlebell between the legs push hips back while flexing the knees, continuing to flex at the hip.
  4. Drive through the heels while moving the hips forward dramatically!! Quick and fast snapping the hips forward.
  5. Keeps arms relaxed. 
  6. Make sure glutes are squeezed, and core braced.
  7. Begin the downward phase by letting the kettlebell naturally drop between the legs. 
  8. Push hips back letting the kettlebell swing between legs keep chest open and up. 

Muscles used using the kettlebell

  • Quads
  • Glutes 
  • Core
  • Hamstrings 
  • Erector Spinae

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